...can potentially make room for 2 solid players for T11 (Currently 11/13 HC on 25m)...
The most veteran members of The Farm have been playing together since Classic's release on NGK. After coming together as a Guild, we had our first raids together in TBC before moving to PV during Sunwell. WotLK proved to be a great expansion for us whilst raiding on a nice Wed/Mon 20:00st - 23:00st schedule, though losing 2 Holy Palas to irl stuff during HC LK progress was a tough few weeks for our healers to overcome, but they powered through and we got the job done just about, albeit a few weeks later than we expected... before we all slacked off ready to coast through the remainder of WotLK. However, even in slack mode we only missed 1 reset (Christmas week) during the whole of ICC (we made 4019 Shadowmournes!!).
We have an excellent open and transparent tailored DFT loot system that puts loot entirely in the hands of each of our raiders based on their own personal selections, with priority boosts for those with strong attendance and good performance!
We are obviously not a hardcore Guild, but we do run a tight ship chasing swift and clean clears of any relevant content, so we value raiders who apply themselves and make an effort to perform well. We offer experienced leadership that knows how to maintain a pleasant and well organised raid environment for its members, and we also provide flasks and pots for our raids.
For more info on joining us, feel free to DM vasousis on Discord.
Contact can be made through our Discord - If you wish to apply for a raidspot, follow the instructions in the #recruitment channel.
The Farm играет 2 раз в неделю общей продолжительностью 6 часа(часов).
Day | Start | Duration |
Пн | 19:00 | 3 часа(часов) |
Ср | 19:00 | 3 часа(часов) |
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